Amsoil Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Have AMSOIL lubricants been on the market?

AMSOIL introduced the first synthetic motor oil with an API (American Petroleum Institute) Service Classification in 1972. Since that time, AMSOIL has varied and expanded its product line.

What are AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils?

AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants are fuel efficient, extended life lubricants manufactured from select synthetic base stocks and special purpose additives. These lubricants provide significant improved overall performance benefits than conventional petroleum oils.

Can AMSOIL Motor Oils be used in any engine?

Certainly, AMSOIL Motor Oils may be used in any mechanically sound gasoline or diesel fueled engine. Basically, that means they are excellent for use in any vehicles engine.

Will AMSOIL Motor Oils void the warranty of a new vehicle?

Absolutely not! Manufacturers' warranties are based on the use of oils meeting specific API Service Classifications, for example SJ/CF. (AMSOIL lubricants meet the current API Service requirements and, thus, are perfectly suited for use in any new vehicle without affecting the validity of the new vehicle warranty.

Why don't the auto manufacturers install AMSOIL at the factory?

In a nutshell, the auto manufacturers' and your "friendly" dealer actually want your vehicle to wearout and have a finite life within a specific targeted period of time so you have to buy a new one, or come to the dealer for expensive repairs. AMSOIL Motor Oils, ATF and gear lubes have been proven for over 25 years and hundreds of millions of miles to significantly extend the life of a vehicles engine, transmission, axles, gears and bearings.The auto manufacturers and dealerships ARE NOT looking out for your best interests!

Are AMSOIL Motor Oils All-Season Motor Oils?

Synthetic oils are made to protect and perform better than petroleum oils at both high and low temperature extremes. That's why every jet engine in the world is lubricated with synthetic oil. AMSOIL Motor Oils have extremely low pour points and flow readily at extremely low temperatures for easier winter starting and reduced engine wear. At high temperatures, no conventional motor oil can compare to the overall protection AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils provide. That's extremely important for today's turbocharged and small, non-turbocharged engines!.

Will AMSOIL Motor Oils increase gas mileage?

Tighter government regulations and increases in engine manufacturers' demands are calling for more fuel efficient lubricants. AMSOIL Motor Oils reduce friction and drag better than petroleum oils and other synthetic oils, resulting in significant fuel economy increases. In a recent 1.2 million mile demonstration, AMSOIL Lubricants showed a 4.5% increase in gas mileage. Other tests have shown increases as much as 15% under certain weather and driving conditions. Yet, because every vehicle is different, as are driving habits and conditions, it is difficult to accurately project an actual increase.

Are AMSOIL Motor Oils compatible with other motor oils?

Yes, AMSOIL Motor Oils are compatible with all other synthetic or petroleum motor oils.

Why are AMSOIL Motor Oils capable of extended drain intervals?

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils are highly resistant to the destructive effects of heat, and do not break down like petroleum oils. This means that AMSOIL Motor Oils can provide much longer drain intervals than conventional lubricants.

Will AMSOIL Motor Oils decrease oil consumption?

Yes. When used in mechanically sound engines, AMSOIL Motor Oils can reduce oil consumption. Under test conditions, a reduction of as much as 42% was demonstrated for prolonged periods. However, this should not be taken to mean that AMSOIL Motor Oils are "cure-alls" for engines that consume oil because of mechanical problems.

Is there a recommended procedure for changing to AMSOIL Motor Oils?

There are no special requirements, however in older vehicles or those with high mileage, it may be advisable to use AMSOIL Engine Flush first. This will ensure that the engine is clean and free of any accumulated contaminants which might have an effect on the service life of AMSOIL Motor Oils. In all cases, it is good judgement to install a new AMSOILSuper Duty Full-Flow Oil Filter (SDF) every time you change oil.

Should Oil Additives or After Market Products be added to AMSOIL Motor Oils?

No, they are not necessary and are extremely detrimental! AMSOIL Motor Oils are properly formulated under the strictest Quality Control procedure to provide superior lubrication performance.

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